

Friday Night Dinner Menu For February


Ice Fishing Derby Returns

The 29th Thomas Crittenden Memorial Ice Fishing Derby will be held on February 21st. Transportation and food to be provided. $40 per person. Tickets on sale now at the bar.

Tickets bought by February 14th will be eligible to win a BBQ valued at $1700. You can also buy tickets for the BBQ at $10 a ticket. Draw to be held the night of the derby.


Friday Night Dinner Menu For January

There will be 3 dinners offered this month at a cost of $15 per dinner. Dinner is served at 5pm while supplies last. Everyone welcome.

January 12th
Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes and Vegetables

January 19th
Homemade Lasagna, Caesar Salad and Garlic Bread

January 26th
Steak, Baked Potato, Caesar Salad or Coleslaw