

The Sutton Branch #356 of the Royal Canadian Legion is proud to host Wings of Change

Wings of Change facilitate peer-led, confidential, solution-based discussions regarding operational stress injuries and mental health challenges public safety personnel and front line workers may encounter and how this affects them and their families.

All public safety personnel and front line workers (as well family members over 18 for our family meetings) are welcome to attend as often as they’d like and to participate in the discussion or to simply sit back and listen to what is shared.

Wings of Change will hold their meetings at the Sutton Legion on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 10am.


Elvis is in the building

Join us on June 24th for a night with Elvis. Tickets are now on sale at the bar.


Mother’s Day Breakfast

On Sunday May 14th please stop by the Sutton Legion for a Mother’s Day Breakfast.

Breakfast will be held from 9am to 12pm.

ADULTS – $15

KIDS 5-12 – $7.50


Everyone is welcome to attend.